
सम्प्रधारण मंत्र – Sampradharan Mantra | How to Grow the Analysing Power of Human Mind

Speaker: Rajkumar Sharma/Comments: 0

सम्प्रधारण मंत्र

Jasmin Nracha Ha Saama Jaju Guang Khi Jas Minn Pratisthita Ratha Nabha Vivaraha II
Jasmiuschitaa Guang Sarba Moo Tam Praja Nan Tan Mae Mana Haa Shiva Sankalpamastu II

The chanting process of this particular mantra increases the analysing power of human mind. This is one of the main function of mind as, after analysing only the mind takes decision for any physical action. Lack of this power causes post-traumatic stress disorder as well as substance abuse disorders.

The physical actions of human body only depends upon the direction on which a mind analyses and if the power is weak the decision will go wrong due to which the body will perform a sin karma (action).

The human is oath full to Lord Shiva for the maintenance of a healthy community on the planet by living in oneness with all other living creations of the universe. Increase in this particular power activates the human cannabinoid system as a result the body archives healthy life.

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