Each chakra is attached to 1200 to 1250 nadis. When the chakra rotates the sound gets generated which reaches the throat where it gets expanded with the voice membrane and the grammer is given by mouth and the sound of one letter comes out of the mouth. The energy flow takes place inside the nadis only with the help of Rudra vayus (gases). The 72000 Nadis are connected to all internal organs for the supply of energy to organs for their proper and healthy working. The nadis are made up of space element of the universe.
The Vedic Sanstrit language only has all 56 types of sounds, which can activate all the energy chakras. Only Sanstrit language can rotate the chakra fully as the pronounsation is spoken fully. All the other languages consist of 25 to 35 sounds only. After the age of 35-40 years the nadis present inside the body start to squeeze and this effects the energy flow inside the organs which gives rise to disorder in working of the inerternal organ and the organ starts producing unwanted enzymes. These cells accumulate in different places causing cancer tumors. All the diseases get generated only due to unwanted cells. This unhealthyness in the working of the internal organ only comes up with a disease of any kind in the body as the juceses and enzymes are secreated by the internal organs of the body only.
The proper energy flow system only can make a human healthy. The medical science dose not believe in nadis as it says clearly that, there dose not exist any space inside the body, where as the vedic science is very clear about the connection of nadis from muladhara chakra till the agya chakra of the body.
The left part of mind is connected to leda nadi, the right part with Pingla nadi and the center part is connected to Shusmna Nadi. On the center part only all the organs are situated and connected with the help of sound chakras.The medicine and drugs of medical science give relief because as they directly work on the symptoms of diseases but not on the cause of the diseases; and due to this reason only the medical science is unable to cure any disease.
The Vedic period was only the time when the human use to live a healthy life on the planet. At this Particular time only the human use to speak Vedic Sanskrit language which helped to rotate the body chakras fully and due to this internal energy supply of body was maintained in proper manner which kept the body fit and fine.
The reson why and how a Human Body gets Entangled into any Physical Disorder