Following the above quotes is formed with an objective to spread awareness about the properties, power and energy of vedic sound for mankind.
We have unique menthod of teaching vedic mantras with the help of which one very easily achives the knowledge of theThe main objective of the organization is to actively provide guidance on the most suited vedic Swaras and vedic pronounsation of the vedic Sanskrit Language for good mental power and to achive a healthy life. swaras and perfect pronounsation with the help of which only the human bodys protective mode gets activated and the body achives a healthy life spam.
We formed this organization to spread awareness about ancient age, vedic life style followed by the Rishis on the planet only having use of vedic sound for good health with the spiritual awaeakening process. The organisation focuses on mental physical and spiritual well being of an Indiviual.
The organization is based in Mumbai and after long search and research with long prctice on vedic sound is now ready to provide full Guidance on Vedic Rudri Mantas which will only change the struchral life of an Indivual.
Founder of this organization is Mr. Raj Kumar Sharma who is well connected with the subject since 2004 and has vast knowledge with his long strugle for mankind. It is so well-known fact that thousands of people are still unaware of properties and benefits of Vedic Rudra Mantras. It is the main objective to sprend awareness about the benefits of vedas and also teach an Indivual by which one can achive spiritual enlightment.
Future Plans :
The organization plans, to open teaching centers in all major shriness and cities of the world to propagate the benefits of Jaap Yoga by Rudri Mantras for the well being of mankind. The organization also plans to promote leading therapies by vedic mantras with the help of Rudraksha seed and mukti yantra also called as Shivalingam.
As said in an earlier quote that chanting of vedic mantras is most essiantial then any other thing in this whole world.
I finaly decided to create awareness of the subject publically by the formation of a website