The internal feeling part which is the spiritual part of the body, consists of three organs which are called as soul, mind and kundalini shakti. The soul is like a fire, the mind is like a point and the kundalini shakti is like a snake. The soul produces energy by the burning of elements and supplies it to the kundalini, there after the energy is supplied by the kindalini to the mind at the time of sleep through the shushmanaa nadi.
The mind spends this energy only for the internal working and for the actions performed by physical body. Each and every part of the whole physical body only moves with the energy supplied by mind only. These organs are internally connected with the help of Nadis made from the space element of the universe. Each organ has its own working and its own functions.
The soul situated deep inside the heart generates the emotions (bhavana) with the help of Rudra vayuas. The Rudra vayuas (gasses) are of two types, Pranaa vayu Rudras and the Naagaa Rudra vayuas. The pranaa vayu Rudras are Pranaa, Apannaam Samanaa, Udanaa and Vyanaa where as five types of Nagaa vayu Rudras are Nagaa, Kurmaa, Krukullaa, Devdattaa and Dhananjyaa.
The five types of emotions get generated form the five main elements of nature called as water (jal) earth (thal), gas (vayu), fire (agni) and space (aakash). These elements only have their five types of tastes sweet (meetha), spiecy (thikhaa), swalty (khara), sour (amal) and bitter (kadva). These taste of five elements only manage to produce five types of emotions inside human body which are Kamma, Krodhaa, Loobhaa, Moohaa and Ankaraa.
The prana vayuas generate five types good emotions and the Nagaa vayu Rudras generate the five types of bad emotions by the help of which only the body performs good or bad actions. The emotion generated by heart reaches the mind, where the emotion gets converted into a thought and passed on to the brain for the thinking process. The brain only thinks where the energy flow takes place.
The human brain only has the power of thinking in infinite dimensions. The place of skul is known as the Vishnu stahana which represents the thinking of brain and understanding of mind. The kundalini lies at the muladhara chakra which is called as shiva Stahanna in men and Shakti stahanna in woman.
At present time the human body either believes in thinking of its brain and performs the action by the body; or it believes in understanding of mind and performs the action by the body. This is the main reason why the human of present time is living a unhealthy and unhappy life. The human should live with powerful understanding along his friends and relatives. Here thinking of brain is not at all applicable and If applied the human will face stress and depression for the organ mind.
The human of present time does not know, which action is to be prepared by thinking of brain, and which action is to be prepared by understanding of mind. The human should live with positive thinking of its brain with the universe and is living with its negative thinking as human is destroying the nature with a very high speed.
This is only the reason why the present time is called as Kalyuga. As the human of planet went far away from chanting of Vedic mantras the body started its working on the wrong path of destruction to the planet, whereas at the time to Satyuga the humans were called as Rishis who believed only in Shiva, Shakti and Vedas. At this particular time each and every human body use to perform four types of yogas Jaap Yoga (chanting of Rudra Mantras for the powerful mind), Taap yoga (awaking of kundalini for the development of connectivity with lord shiva to lead an oath full life), Dhyan yoga (This yoga improves all mental powers by the process of meditation), Asaan yoga (better circulation of blood and to increase mussel power).
Due to the practice of these four yogas only the human of Satyuga enjoyed a happy and healthy life. Due to mental weakness only todays human is living stressful life and a life full of depression. As the time passed from satyuga till kalyuga the human body developed Science (vigyan) whereas at the time of Satyuga the humans used to believe in logic (gyan) as they were not having the knowledge, how to speak lie even. At the time of Satyuga the human body was working in a different way, and at present time of kaluga it is working in a different way.
Working problem of Human Body