This yoga is related directly to the chanting of vedic mantras. The chanting process opens up the chakras and the nadis of internal organs due to which only the working of all the organs are in proper order. This yoga also opens the dharas of brain as a result good energy flow takes place inside brain resulting in good thinking power. The mental powers also get increased as the vedic mantras only have heavy sound vibrations.
As the human went away very far from this perticular yoga he started faceing very deadly diseases. As the medical science only works on the symptoms of a disease but not on the cause of the disease it is unable to proivide cure to any disease. The Jaap yoga activates the full energy system of the human body and makes all internal organs working in a proper maner. The main cause of any type of disease is nothing but secrention of unwanted chemicals by any of the dectected or undecteted organ which damages the genetic effect of a respective cell.
2) Taap Yoga :
This perticular yoga is connected directly to the enlightment process which only happens with the help of Kundalini Jagran (aweakening of Kundalini). The aweakening process could only be performed by the manthana of Mukti Mantra also known as Kundalini Mantra. Just after the aweakening of Kundalini the human comes to know about the hidden knowledge behind his birth.
The taap yoga plays a very important role in the removal of stress as by the chanting of mukti mantra all the ten lobs of brain get activated and the brain achives extraordinary thinking power in all ten diamensions for better option to any of the problem. By the chanting process of Mukti Mantra the understanding power of mind gets increased as a result the mind becomes capable to understand the cause factor and solve the problem in a faster and eaiser way.
3) Dhayan Yoga :
This is the yoga in which meditation is performed. One achives solutions for the problem in his daily life as the mind gets powerfull. The dhyaan yoga only increases the mental activity of a human body. In this particular yoga only the human can get the answer of the three main questions of his life –
(a) who am I (b) What am I (c) REASON BEHIND MY EXISTANCE. As the human gets the answer to these three questions the karma gets changed and a body starts achiveing the cosmic radiations from the universe.
4) Aasan Yoga :
This perticular yoga improives the blood circulation and also is improves the mussle strength of human body.
To practice any type of the yoga one should very well know the main Eights limbs of yoga.
Very well know the main Eight Limbs of yoga.
- Yama (restraint)
a) Ahimsa (non-harming)
b) Satya (truth-telling)
c) Brahmacharya (moderation)
d) Asteya (non-stealing)
e) Aparigraha (non-Attachment) - Niyama (observances)
a) Swachta (cleanliness)
b) Santosha (contentment)
c) Tapa (Zeal of life)
d) Swadhyaya (self study)
e) Ishwara Pranidhana (Surrender to creator) - Asana (Posture)
- Pranyama (breath)
- Pratyahara (turning inward)
- Dharana (Conectraion)
- Dhyana (meditation)
- Samadhi (oneness with all living things)
The important four Yogas for Human Life